Xbox One to launch in major markets on 22 November

Microsoft positions the arrival of its next-gen console between the US and European launch dates for Sony's PS4

Xbox One: Microsoft's next-gen console will launch in major markets on 22 November. Photograph: Nick Adams/Reuters
This is it: the battle for the next generation console market is on. Microsoft has finally revealed the launch date for its Xbox One machine – it will hit retail in 13 major territories including North America and the UK on 22 November. 

It is an interesting and provocative timing. With Sony's rival PlayStation 4 console arriving in North America on 15 November and Europe on 29 November, Microsoft has chosen a more ambitious rollout right in the middle of its competitor's launch period. Neither manufacturer has provided a firm date for a Japanese release, reversing the traditions of previous console cycles where new devices tended to premiere in Japan.

In a statement on the Xbox Wire website, Yusuf Mehdi, the vice-president of marketing, strategy and business for Xbox wrote: "The culmination of many years of listening to you, our fans, developing innovative technology, and partnering with the best game and entertainment partners in the industry has brought us to this point. There is still a lot more work to do, but the teams are making excellent progress and are focused on launch."

Officially announced in May, the Xbox One console has had a rough journey toward its launch. Microsoft's intitial focus on the video-on-demand and live television capabilities of its machine alienated gamers, as did early indications that the console would restrict the sale of pre-owned games and that the Kinect camera device would need to be permanently switched on for games to work. Microsoft later controversially reversed these policies and since then has worked to improve the image of its device. The company enjoyed a comparatively successful showing at the recent Gamescom festival in Cologne, revealing a Call of Duty console bundle deal, as well as free copies of Fifa 14 for pre-orders of the special Day one edition of the machine.
With both "next-generation" consoles arriving on shop shelves within weeks of each other, this is one of the closest console wars the industry has seen. There was almost a year between the debut of the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3, for example.

It is expected that the arrival of new hardware will provide a major boost to the $60bn a year games industry, which has seen software and hardware sales falling over the last two years. Interest in the new consoles has been huge, despite competition from devices such as smartphones and tablets. Sony has announced that 1m pre-orders have been received for the PlayStation 4, and while Microsoft hasn't provided figures, many stores have closed pre-orders for the machine, or have stopped guaranteeing that reserved machines will be available on day one. According to gaming news site Videogamer, UK chain GAME is now informing customers that the only way to now secure an Xbox One on day one is to pre-order the Call of Duty: Prestige Edition bundle – at £615. With shipments of the Xbox One allegedly reduced due to poor yield rates of camera and disc drive components – the launch date may well prove to be rather meaningless to ill-prepared shoppers who turn up on the day.
The big question now is, how will gamers, and mainstream consumers, decide between such closely placed competitors. Both machines feature eight-core CPUs and powerful AMD graphics processors, and both have built-in Blu-ray drives as well as advanced online functionality. While on paper, the PlayStation 4's specs seem more powerful, it's likely that developers will quickly work out ways to exploit the hardware so that technical differences become negligible.
If it's down to price, the PlayStation 4 comes in at $399 (£349) while the Xbox One will cost $499 (£429), although the latter comes with the Kinect motion controller, while the PS4's motion control and camera peripheral is sold separately.

It's just as likely, however, that games will be the deciding factor. While both will boast major third-party titles such as Fifa 14, Call of Duty Ghosts and Watchdogs, Sony has the platform exclusive racing game DriveClub, sci-fi shooter Killzone and cute adventure platformer Knack, while Microsoft can call on the hugely popular Forza Motorsport 5, zombie romp Dead Rising 3 and classic reboot Killer Instinct.
However the competition is decided, we at least now know when it starts.

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